::::::::::::: Microgrids.X ::::::::::::: *Operational & economic simulation of Microgrid projects* .. |MG.X icon| image:: images/Microgrids-X-icon.svg :height: 64px :class: no-scaled-link :alt: Microgrid.X logo icon .. image:: images/Microgrids-X.svg :height: 128px :class: no-scaled-link :alt: Microgrid.X logo Project overview ================ .. figure:: images/microgrid_sizing.svg :height: 200px :align: right :class: no-scaled-link :alt: Microgrid sizing illustrated with a block and power flow diagram of the Microgrid (with storage, generator, wind, solar and load) Microgrids.X is a collection of packages for the **operational & economic simulation of Microgrid projects**. Based on this microgrid assessement model, an optimization problem can be built to find the most suitable microgrid sizing. Microgrids.X packages are available open source in the following languages: * Julia: `Microgrids.jl`_ (yields the fastest simulation performance, by far) * Python: `Microgrids.py`_ * Matlab/Octave: `Microgrids.m`_ All these packages aim at providing the same features using a **common architecture and naming scheme**. Using a native implementation of the same model in three different languages allows us to better serve the users' preferences. This can be particularly useful in a teaching context. Features ======== * Microgrid composed of 1 load, 1 storage device, 1 dispatchable generator and any number of non dispatchable sources (wind, solar) * **Operational simulation** over a year with a short time step (typically: 1 hour) * Energy dispatch with a simple Load Following strategy (load is fed in priority with non dispatchable sources, then the battery, and the dispatchable generator is used in last recourse when the storage is empty) * **Economic computation** over the project lifecycle (for example: 25 years) by extrapolating the operational results (assuming each year of the project is similar). The Economic model takes into account: * Financial discount rate * Replacement of components based on the their operation-dependent lifetime (e.g. actual operating hours of the generator or number of cycles of the battery) * Salvage value of components at the end of the project Scientific publications ----------------------- More background (plus extra things on Automatic Differentiation) can be found in: E. de Godoy Antunes, P. Haessig, C. Wang, and R. Chouhy Leborgne, “Optimal Microgrid Sizing using Gradient-based Algorithms with Automatic Differentiation,” *accepted to ISGT Europe 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia*, 2022. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03370004 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Website content: news :ref:`search` .. _Microgrids.jl: https://github.com/Microgrids-X/Microgrids.jl .. _Microgrids.py: https://github.com/Microgrids-X/Microgrids.py .. _Microgrids.m: https://github.com/Microgrids-X/Microgrids.m