Spring 2017, I started the “E.T.” Seminar: Efficient Tools for Research. This research seminar is intended to share useful tools (mostly softwares) within my research team (IETR AUT). Seminars so far:
- YALMIP (modeling optimization problems in Matlab), 2017
- Git (version control), 2018
- Julia (efficient numerical computing & optimization), 2018
- HOMER (microgrid optimization), 2019

4) HOMER: optimizing a microgrid design “in three clicks” (in French)
Présentation en français du logiciel HOMER Pro (Dimensionner un microréseau « en 3 clics » avec HOMER), avec mon collègue Nabil Sadou, à CentraleSupélec à Rennes, en juin 2019.
Cet outil commercial, initialement développé au NREL, brille par son ergonomie et sa simplicité (interface “point & click”), des algorithmes de simulation éprouvés, avec un calcul du coût total sur cycle de vie d'un projet très complet (p. ex. coût de maintenance, remplacement…). Un jour peut-être, nous aurons un équivalent open source en Python, Julia ou Matlab !
- Diapos : ETS Homer slides.pdf, ETS Homer slides.pptx
- Fichiers HOMER du cas test Ouessant (fichier HOMER + données conso + fichiers exportés, détaillés en annexe de la présentation) : ETS HOMER demo.zip
3) Julia, my new friend for computing and optimization?
A joint presentation with Lilian Besson on Julia, a quite new language (~2012) for high performance numerical computation. Presented at IETR seminar in Vannes, June 2018.
I also included a usage example of the JuMP package (quite similar to Yalmip in Matlab, cf. previous ET Seminar), which I find very useful for my work on optimal energy management.
- Slides: ETS Julia slides.pdf
- Examples (Jupyter notebooks): GitHub repository julia-presentation-ietr2018 (folders filter_example and regression_example)
2) Version Control with Git
“accelerated tutorial for busy academics”, in two parts. January 2018 at CentraleSupélec, Rennes.
Outline based on Software Carpentry's “Version Control with Git” lesson.
- Slides: ETS Git slides.odp, ETS Git slides with fonts.odp, ETS Git slides.pdf
- Original illustrations: spatial Git cheatsheet, Push-pull animation, Git merge animation

1) YALMIP: Optimization Made Easy
A short introduction to YALMIP and the usage of Modeling Languages/Layers for Optimization in general. Demo application: grid-connected PV-battery system to maximize self-consumption. April 6th, 2017 at CentraleSupélec, Rennes.
- Slides: ETS Yalmip slides.odp, ETS Yalmip slides.pdf
- Code Yalmip demo code.zip (deterministic optimization over 24h of a grid-connected PV-battery system)